  • Mami Mizutori
    Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of UNDRR
  • Armin Schuster
    Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance
  • Dr. Bärbel Kofler
    Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Assistance
  • Christian Reuter
    Secretary General
    German Red Cross
  • Dr. Irene Mihalic
    Domestic Policy Spokesperson
    Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
  • Mario Dobovisek
    Editor and Presenter
26.10.2021 // 01:00 pm

Research for better disaster risk reduction (German)

National and European civil security research contributing to better disaster risk reduction; invitation to participate in the network of German practitioners active in European security research
The session demonstrates, how research on civil security contributes to better disaster risk reduction. But such research projects require the active participation of practitioners to develop innovative solutions that address the problems encountered in everyday practice. Practitioners are therefore invited to engage in civil security research projects on a national or European level. There, they can contribute their needs, help shape the development of social, organizational, or technological innovations, evaluate results from research at an early stage and build up their own research capacities.
The session first gives an overview over the national and the European security research programmes and showcases, how funded projects were active in flood relief in Germany in summer 2021. Then, three projects share their insights: a) project AIFER – Artificial intelligence for the analysis and fusion of earth observation and internet data for decision support in disaster management, b) project SORTIE – Sensor systems for locating trapped persons in collapsed buildings and c) project RESILOC – Resilient Europe and Societies by Innovating Local Communities. Finally, the network of German practitioners active in European security research (ForAn) presents itself and invites to participate. 
Eckhart Curtius

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Referat 524
Eckhart Curtius is lawyer by education with a focus on International Law. Since more than 30 years, he is working in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In the last 10 years, he was active in the field of civil security research, primarily on the European level as head of the German delegation to the Programme Committees (both civil and military) as well as on the bilateral cooperation with other States (Austria, France, US) in the framework of the national security research programme (www.sifo.de)
Uwe Kippnich

Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz, Landesgeschäftsstelle
Uwe Kippnich is the coordinator of security research at the BRK in Munich. He has been working on the topic of threats in civil protection for many years and supervises national and international research projects on this topic and other security research issues. For the BRK, he is the project leader for "MEDinTime" , "LARUS-Pro", "AIFER" and other national and international projects. He is co-author of the "Recommendation for Common Regulations on the Use of Drones in Civil Protection" of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). During the flood in the summer of 2021 in western Germany, he coordinated, among other things, a special reconnaissance team and works closely with the Center for Satellite-based Crisis Information (ZKI) of the German Aerospace Center. 
Dr. Gunnar Gidion

Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik (IMTEK), Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Gunnar Gidion is a physicist working at the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) of the University of Freiburg. He is responsible for research and teaching in the field of electrical instrumentation (Elektrische Messtechnik). His research focuses are electroactive polymer-film sensors and actuators and their application in musical acoustics as well as radio-frequency devices for urban search and rescue and medical applications.
Lennart Landsberg
Research associate
TH Köln / IRG
Lennart Landsberg is a research associate at the Institute of Rescue Engineering and Civil Protection at Cologne University of Applied Sciences. He is involved in the research project SORTIE and in research on the evaluation of leadership performance.

Karsten Uhing
Researcher/Project Manager
Fraunhofer IML
Karsten Uhing is a researcher and project manager at Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML). He is leading the EU funded RESILOC Project, which aims to empower local community stakeholders to assess their resilience against a particular hazard scenario and develop mid to long-term strategies to improve it. During his working career he has gained experience in international humanitarian aid projects on the African continent as well as structural development projects in the aviation and health sectors. Mr. Uhing has an academic background in International Management with a focus on economics and logistics. His particular interest is on humanitarian logistics and systemic approaches to resilience. 
Dr. Alexander Rösner

Bundesanstalt Technisches Hiulfswerk
Alexander Rösner is a scientific project officer in the research unit at the THW headquarter in Bonn. He works as the coordinator for the national-funded networking project ForAn (Forschungsnetzwerk deutscher Anwender).
After studying marine geosciences focusing on landslides and tsunamis, he gained a Ph.D. in earthquake mechanics. Since 2021 he is working for the THW.

Christine Prokopf
National Contact Point Security Research
VDI Technologiezentrum
Christine Prokopf is National Contact Point (NCP) Security for Germany. In that function, she advises on calls and applications for the European Security Research Programme within Horizon Europe Cluster 3. Being part of VDI TZ, the BMBF’s project management agency for the national security research programme, she contributes to implementing the “German applicants in civil security research fit for Europe” scheme that currently specifically targets practitioners interested in civil security research. Her PhD was on risk governance as a means for normatively focussing political action on disaster prevention with the Sendai Framework as one of the case studies
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