  • Mami Mizutori
    Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of UNDRR
  • Armin Schuster
    Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance
  • Dr. Bärbel Kofler
    Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Assistance
  • Christian Reuter
    Secretary General
    German Red Cross
  • Dr. Irene Mihalic
    Domestic Policy Spokesperson
    Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
  • Mario Dobovisek
    Editor and Presenter
25.10.2021 // 2:30 pm

The Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network - a knowledge broker and innovation catalyst (German)

Through the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), the European Union aims to strengthen cooperation between EU Member States on civil protection and to improve joint prevention, preparedness and response to disasters. Living European solidarity, efficient and sustainable networking of actors across Europe and at different levels, as well as an interdisciplinary, cross-border and cross-sector exchange of information, knowledge and experience are now more important than ever in civil protection and disaster management. This is exactly the objective of the new Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network. It aims to support learning from the past and preparing for new dangers through the continuous exchange of experiences, expertise and innovation – i.e. “to build forward better”. The cooperation of civil protection and disaster management practitioners with academia, science and research is crucial to carry out evidence-based disaster prevention, to integrate the latest research results, innovative technologies (e.g. virtual reality/augmented reality) and teaching approaches (e.g. e- and blended learning) into civil protection training and practice, and thus optimise these.
The workshop is conceived as a moderated open online discussion of experts from various fields - civil protection, science, research and academia. It provides the opportunity to think about and exchange ideas on how an optimal networking between these fields could look at national, European or international level, and how the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network could contribute to this in its role as “knowledge broker & innovation catalyst”. This, also in the context of a two-part study on education in civil protection, which the BBK published in March 2020 as part of the project “Pedagogical Reconception of Education and Training in Civil Protection”. This study shows amongst other the need for a common understanding of education in German civil protection and sheds light on e-learning/blended learning approaches. The workshop is aimed at interested actors in civil protection and disaster risk management as well as experts from science, research and the academic field who deal with disaster management, disaster risk management, or similar topics.
Dr. Felix Bloch
Head of Unit „Knowledge Network and Evidence-based Policy”
Felix Bloch studied law at the Universities of Tübingen, Bonn, London and Bern. Since 2005, Mr Bloch is an official at the European Commission in Brussels. After various assignments in the Directorate-General for Agriculture, he moved in 2015 to the Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DG ECHO) as a personal assistant of the Director-General. As of March 2017, he was a member of the Cabinet of the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, where he closely followed the legislative work on the rescEU initiative. Since October 2019, he has been appointed Head of the Knowledge Network and Evidence-based Policy Unit in DG ECHO.
Anke Moon
Head of International Affairs
Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance
Anke Moon is heading up the international affairs division at the BBK, dealing with bilateral and multilateral relations and realising in international civil protection projects currently in Jordan, Tunisia and Ukraine. Having worked in civil protection on a national level for almost a decade, Anke used to head up the global communications team for a sustainability NGO engaging in UN climate negotiations and has worked for a political consultancy in London, the Chamber of Commerce in New York and the European Commission in Berlin. She has also some experience in national crisis management during the refugee crisis in 2015 and supporting the GMLZ i.e. during major flooding incidents.
Prof. Hermann Schröder
Head of the Civil Protection and Crisis Management Department
Ministry of the Interior, Digitalisation and Local Government of Baden-Württemberg
Hermann Schröder heads the Civil Protection and Crisis Management Department at the Ministry of the Interior, Digitalisation and Local Government of Baden-Württemberg. This includes the areas of fire brigade and fire safety, emergency medical services, civil protection and crisis management. He is also the Chairman of the AK V (Working group of the Director-Generals for Civil Protection and Disaster Management of the German Länder) of the German Conference of Ministers of the Interior, and coordinates the interests of the Länder in the field of civil protection. After studying civil engineering, he completed his training in the fire service and became Head of the State Fire Brigade Academy and then State Fire Director in Baden-Württemberg. He gained experience in large-scale operations at the 2006 Soccer World Cup, at the NATO summit, during the 2015-2017 refugee wave and in crisis management during the current coronavirus pandemic."
Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott
University Professor, Geomorphology Director of master’s programme “Disaster management and risk governance“
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Department of Geography
My research activities focus mainly on natural hazards and geomorphic processes in mountain areas (European Alps, Rocky Mountains, Andes, German upland). Current research projects are related to sediment budgets, mass movements and high mountain permafrost.

My teaching activities in Physical Geography focus specifically on theoretical and applied approaches in geomorphology, natural hazards and risks, and global environmental change.
Prof. Dr. Martin Voss
Disaster Research Unit (DRU), FU Berlin
Martin Voss is Professor for Socio Scientific Disaster Research and Head of the Disaster Research Unit, Freie Universität Berlin as well as the founding director of the non-profit private limited company Academy of the Disaster Research Unit (ADRU). His main working areas are Inter- and transdisciplinary research on risk, crisis and disaster
Ulrich Cronenberg
Head of Interministerial and Interstate Crisis Management Exercises, LÜKEX
Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance
Ulrich Cronenberg is heading the division of interministerial and interstate crisis management Exercises, LÜKEX at the BBK organizing large scale exercises for both the “Länder” and ministries at the federal level including critical infrastructure.
Ulrich is having long-lasting experience with the German Red Cross, National Headquarters, in the field, heading the department for first aid, civil protection, and ambulance services, as well as six years representing the Red Cross National Societies of the European Union at the Brussels Office of the Red Cross towards the institutions. Beside being the director of this office he also held 10 years the position of the Commissioner for Disaster Man-agement for the German Red Cross Headquarters.

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