  • Mami Mizutori
    Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of UNDRR
  • Armin Schuster
    Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance
  • Dr. Bärbel Kofler
    Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Assistance
  • Christian Reuter
    Secretary General
    German Red Cross
  • Dr. Irene Mihalic
    Domestic Policy Spokesperson
    Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
  • Mario Dobovisek
    Editor and Presenter
25.10.2021 // 11:30 am

Heat action plans in Germany - needs, examples, barriers (German)

The workshop would like to emphasize the need for heat action plans in Germany, present concrete examples and point out barriers that have to be overcome if heat-related mortality and morbidity are not to increase significantly.
Heat Action Plans (HAP) are considered to be “the” essential instrument throughout Europe for preventing the loss of human life in phases of extreme heat (“heat waves”) and counteracting other heat-related health effects. With climate change, hot phases will also occur more frequently in Germany, last longer and be more extreme. The 93rd Conference of German Health Ministers of the federal states (GMK) in September 2020 therefore decided: "The health ministers and senators of the federal states consider it necessary to draw up heat action plans within a five-year period." referring to the municipalities, but also to the cooperation of all relevant actors. The workshop would like to clarify the need for HAPs in Germany, use concrete examples from various municipalities to present initial implementation variants and point out barriers that must be overcome in the near future if heat-related mortality and morbidity are not to increase significantly.
Prof. Dr. Henny Annette Grewe

Hochschule Fulda
Doctor of surgery / trauma surgery / plastic surgery, has been working for more than ten years on the topic of climate change and health, in particular on the adaptation of health care to heat extremes.
Wiebke Lass
Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)
Scientist at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) with a focus on climate impacts and transition processes (urban areas and local level ) 
Adrian Pfalzgraf
Adrian Pfalzgraf is the founder and CEO of GreenAdapt, which works in Germany to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change and to protect and empower vulnerable people in climate change. To this end, GreenAdapt develops adaptation strategies and heat action plans.
Florian Schulte
5 years of clinical experience in internal medicine, completed a Master of International Health with a focus on climate change and health. Peer-reviewed publication on heat related cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in Switzerland. One year project leadership for GP and specialist practices with the German Climate Change and Health Alliance (KLUG)
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